18 February 2025

Hockering Football Club

Home to Mid-Norfolks Fastest growing club


Click the link below to download the clubs Childrens Safeguarding document which also includes the club Social Media Document, Anti Bullying Policy, Privacy Policy and Club Rules.

Four Steps to Safeguarding

  • Checked – to ensure adults are suitable to work with youngsters.
  • Trained – from coaches to referees, all are given suitable safeguarding training.
  • Hear – concerns from both children and adults will be listened to.
  • Report – the importance of raising concerns about a child’s welfare.

The Football Association offer various safeguarding training for free: https://thebootroom.thefa.com/learning/qualifications/safeguarding-courses

Hockering FC

Parents, Carers and Coaches can have a huge influence on a childs enjoyment in football. It is your responsibility to ensure you obide by the rules set out by the club.

Will report to the Police, League and County FA any form of inappropriate language, threatening behaviour and abuse from or to any Spectator, Player, Match Official or Club Official, before during or after Matches or training sessions.

Hockering F.C

Reserve the right to ask at any time any individual demonstrating any actions deemed to conflict with this policy to move away from the side-lines or pitch and when necessary to leave the club premises.

Hockering F.C

Acknowledges that every child, young person, or adult who plays or participates in football should be able to do so in an enjoyable and safe environment, all of the above should be acknowledged and protected from poor practice and all forms of abuse.
The Club will also report any form of abuse via Social media and Telephone in accordance with the County FA policy.
Those in breach of the above policies may be asked to meet with the committee or leave the club, in some circumstances the individual may also be reported to the Football Association or County Welfare Officer.
Hockering FC has a Zero tolerance policy to discrimination of any kind.

Parents, carers, and spectators  

Play your part and always observe Hockering Football Club adopted Code of Conduct 

• Remember that children play for FUN. 

• Applaud effort and good play as well as success. 

• Respect the referee’s decisions, even when you don’t agree with them. 

• Appreciate good play from whatever team it comes from. 

• Remain behind the touchline and within the designated spectator’s area, e.g., remain behind respect barrier, do not stand behind the goals and never enter the field of play. 

• Let the coaches do their job and do not confuse the players by telling them what to do. 

• Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and any other match officials. 

• Support positively. When players make a mistake, offer them encouragement not criticism. 

• Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour. 

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any or all the following actions may be taken: 

• Issued with a verbal warning from a club or league official. 

• Required to meet with the club or league committee, or County FA Welfare Officer. 

• Suspension of team, or whole club fixtures. 

• Required to undertake an FA education course. 

• Ordered to leave the match venue by the club or match official. 

• Banned from attending future games. 

• Required to leave the club along with any dependents. 

• The FA, County FA or league could impose a fine and/or suspension on the club or team. 

Coaches, managers, and club officials  

We all bear a collective responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment in which children can learn and enjoy the game. Play your part and always observe the Code of Conduct. 

• I will use my position to set a positive example for the people I am responsible for. 

• Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition players, coaches, managers, officials and spectators. 

• Adhere to the laws and spirit of the game. 

• Promote Fair Play and high standards of behaviour. 

• Respect the match official’s decision. 

• Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission. 

• Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour. 

• Be aware of the potential impact of bad language on other participants, facility users or neighbours. 

• Be gracious in victory and defeat. 

• Place the wellbeing, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning. 

• Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying. 

• Ensure all activities I organise are appropriate for the players’ ability level, age and maturity. 

• Ensure all administrative tasks are completely correct and on time. This includes the creation and exchange of Team Sheets prior to kick off, result reporting and match return submission on Full-Time. 

• Co-operate fully with others in football (e.g., officials, doctors, physiotherapists, welfare officers) for each player’s best interest. 

• If you are assisting the referee or are the match referee, you cannot offer coaching from your position. 

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any or all the following actions may be taken: 

• Issued with a verbal warning from a club or league official. 

• Required to meet with the club or league committee, or County FA Welfare Officer. 

• Suspension of team, or whole club fixtures. 

• Required to undertake an FA education course. 

• Suspended by the club from attending matches. 

• Suspended or fined by the league or County FA. 

• Required to leave or be removed by the club. 


Playing football should be fun and enjoyable for everyone and isn’t always about winning. When playing football, I will:   

• Always play to the best of my ability and for the benefit of my team. 

• Play fairly – I won’t cheat, dive, complain or waste time. 

• Respect my team-mates, the other team, the referee or my coach/manager. 

• Play by the rules, as directed by the referee. 

• Be gracious in victory and defeat – I will shake hands with the other team and referee before or at the end of the game. 

• Listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me. 

• Understand that a coach must do what is best for the team and not one individual player. 

• Talk to someone I trust or the club welfare officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club. 

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any or all the following actions may be taken: 

 Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager/coach. 

• Receive a formal warning from the coach or the club committee. 

• Be substituted or miss other matches. 

• Be suspended from training or not allowed to play in matches. 

• Be required to leave the club. 

• My club may make my parents or carers aware of any infringements of the Code of Conduct. 

• Suspended or fined by the league or County FA. 

Match Officials  

Officials also need to play their part in the Code of Conduct.  When officiating, I will: 

• Respect the game, the competition and all other participants. 

• Maintain my integrity and approach each game with a positive mind set. 

• Be knowledgeable of the laws of the game, regulations and competition rules. 

• Set a positive personal example by promoting good behaviour. 

• Embrace and empathise with the spirit of the game. 

• Submit accurate and concise reports and misconduct. 

• Complete and submit accurate and concise reports. 

• Apply the laws of the game, promoting positive actions and not tolerating actions that do not fit the image of the game. 

• I will make myself familiar with safeguarding practices & review guidance on physical contact (5.6) & Acceptable Behaviors When Working with Young People (5.7) documents on the safeguarding section of EnglandFootball.com 

• No match officials are to coach from their respective role – if you are assisting the referee, for example, you cannot offer coaching from your position. 

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any or all the following actions may be taken: 

 Required to meet with the FA, County FA Referee Development Staff or Referees Committee. 

• Suspended by the County FA.